Keyword Index

2,4-D 33, 43, 61, 91, 124, 163, 168, 226, 263, 354
Abutilon theophrasti 66, 277
ACCase resistance 334
Acetochlor 42, 47, 53, 216
Acifluorfen 40, 52, 193, 214
Adaptation 341
Adjuvants 90
Aeschynomene americana 320
Ageratum conyzoides 274
Agrostis stolonifera 194, 225
Alfalfa 103
Alfalfa, glyphosate-resistant 205
Alisma plantago-aquatica 255
Alopecurus myosuroides 292
Alternative herbicides 231
Amaranthus blitoides 47
Amaranthus hybridus 253
Amaranthus palmeri 14, 33, 39, 40, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 90, 117, 190, 216, 253, 272, 303, 339, 341, 342
Amaranthus retroflexus 95, 107, 175, 303
Amaranthus tuberculatus 40, 107, 182, 216, 272, 303, 342
Ambrosia artemisiifolia 136, 175, 190, 263
Ambrosia trifida 23, 145
amino acid 336
Aminocyclopyrachlor 197
Aminopyralid 168
Annual Strawberry Production 75
Apple 318
Application timing 91
Application, ground 163
Application, methods 310
Application, sequential 230
Aquatic environment 169, 200, 307
Aquatic weed 169
Arabidopsis thaliana 54, 180
Arachis hypogaea 190, 276
Arachis hypogea 138
Areas, natural 103, 169, 308
Arundo donax 200
Atrazine 277, 324
Avena fatua 289, 290
Barley 103
Bean, snap 321
Bentgrass, creeping 194, 225
Bermudagrass, turf 229, 230
Bicyclopyrone 313
bicyclopyrone 52
Biochar 68
biocontrol 103
Bioherbicide 301
Biological control 202, 301
Biological control agents 301
Biology, weed 117, 261, 339
Biomass 139
Biomass accumulation 261
Bispyribac-sodium 225
Bluegrass, Kentucky 225
BLUPs 229
Brassica napus 290
Brassica oleracea 103
Bromoxynil 277
Bromus tectorum 80, 197, 258
Buried drip irrigation 73
C:N Ratio 139
Calibration 13
Camelina sativa 98
Caneberry 318
Canola 103
canopy reflectance 66
Carfentrazone-ethyl 226
Cassia obtusifolia 216
Casuarina equisetifolia 308
Cemetery 230
Chenopodium album 52
Chlorimuron-ethyl 132, 214, 253
Chlorophyll 117
Chlorophyll fluorescence 117
Chlorsulfuron 13, 334
Chromolaena odorata 274
Cicer arietinum 52
Clethodim 108, 172, 274
Climate change 258
Clopyralid 168
Cloquintocet 229
Cloransulam-methyl 61
Clover 132, 139, 209
CO2 258
Communication 253
Community weed management 234
Comparative genomics 341
Competition 258
Competition 97
Compost 288
Conservation, agricultural 153, 271
Conservation, forest 123
Convolvulus arvensis 71, 72, 310
Conyza bonariensis 253
Conyza canadensis 34, 61, 102, 259, 272
cool-season grasses 22
Corn 13, 53, 88, 137, 209, 211, 253, 254, 269, 324
Corn, glyphosate-resistant 336
Corn, herbicide-resistant 205
Cotton 39, 41, 42, 43, 88, 138, 205, 208, 254, 269
Country policies 253
Cover crop 98, 137, 143, 153, 272, 320
Crop Tolerance 138
Crops, glyphosate-resistant 88
Crotalaria juncea 320
Crotalaria ochroleuca 320
Cucumber 190
Cucumis sativus 190
cultivation 266
Cultivation 268, 274
cyhalofop 333
Cynodon transvaalensis 229
Cyperus difformis 255, 273
Cyperus esculentus 190
Cytochrome P450 13
Demographics, weeds 339
desirable weed traits 335
Developing countries 238
Dew 301
Dicamba 39, 42, 46, 47, 54, 61, 124, 161, 162, 163, 165, 226, 263, 277, 335, 354
Dichlofop-metyl 334
digital aerial sketch mapping 308
Digitaria sanguinalis 47, 53, 190
Ditches, ditchbanks 205
Dithiopyr 317
DNA sequencing 341, 342
Dormancy, seed 145
Dose-response 210
Dose-response 34, 109, 330
Drift, spray 163, 208
droplet size 350
Drought 258
Echinochloa colona 261
Echinochloa crus-galli 255, 273, 277, 331
Echinochloa oryzicola 273
Eclipta alba 255
Ecology, weed 153, 204, 339
Education 238
Education 87, 235
effects of plant size 102
Egeria densa 200
Eichhornia crassipes 169, 200
Electronic 304
Estuary 200
Ethephon 194
Euphorbia esula 202
Extension 87
Fairway, golf course 225
Fecundity 263, 339
Fescue, hard-fine 195
Festuca longifolia 195
Field-scale research 143
Fir, Douglas 317
Flax 197
Flowering 339
Flufenacet 30, 224
Flumetsulam 52
flumioxazin 47
Flumioxazin 123, 132, 138
Fluometuron 138
Fluridone 138
Fluroxypyr 195
fomesafen 47
Fomesafen 40, 52, 59, 90, 153
Forest 123
Formulation 90, 91, 162
Fragaria x ananassa 68, 75
Functional Genomics 334
Galium spurium 290
Gender 117
Genetic analysis 23, 335
genetic diversity 340
Genetic diversity 341
genomics 340
Genomics 235
Germination 95, 145, 147, 261, 288
Glufosinate 46, 47, 61, 72, 109, 115, 216, 314, 333
Glycine max 40, 47, 136, 161, 190, 208, 214, 216, 336, 339
glyhosate resistance 262
Glyphosate 23, 33, 46, 47, 53, 72, 80, 91, 102, 106, 109, 115, 124, 168, 172, 253, 259, 263, 318, 330, 331, 335, 336, 341
Glyphosate resistance 34, 88, 102
goodness-of-fit 210
Gossypium hirsutum 41, 42, 43, 66, 138, 205, 208
Graduate students 235
Grape 261, 318
Grazing 80
greenhouse experiment 102
Greens, golf 194
Habitats, disturbed 23, 153, 202, 305
Habitats, natural 97, 103, 202
Hairy Vetch 132
Halosulfuron 153
hand weeding 266
Hemp mulch 68
Herbicide fate 123
herbicide metabolism 120
Herbicide metabolism 13, 30, 334
Herbicide mode of action 138, 255
Herbicide reduction 153
Herbicide resistance 13, 23, 33, 40, 47, 53, 106, 107, 108, 109, 124, 180, 182, 204, 254, 259, 260, 263, 271, 290, 318, 331, 341
herbicide resistance 120
Herbicide resistance 234
Herbicide symptomology 138
Herbicide use 238
Hybrid 77, 97
Hybrid sensitivity 169
Hydrilla verticillata 169
Hyperspectral sensing 190
Imazapic 80, 172, 197
Imazapyr 172, 253
Imazethapyr 107, 153
Indaziflam 197, 274, 317
Indigofera hirsuta 320
Injury 138
Integrated pest management 47, 53, 216
Integrated weed management 47, 80, 143, 161, 200, 202, 204, 216, 261, 276, 289, 290
Interactions, herbicide 216
Interference 136
intra-row 268
Invasive species 80, 147, 197, 202, 308
Ipomoea batatas 190
Ipomoea hederacea var. integriuscula 47, 53, 216
Isoxaben 317
Isoxaflutole 274
Kochia scoparia 13, 103, 272, 335
Lack of Extensionist agents 253
Lack of Federal Budget 253
Lack of University presence 253
Lactofen 40, 193, 214, 274
Lamium amplexicaule 226
Lamium purpureum 226
Landscapes 205, 231, 308
Leaf area model 136
legumes 22
Lens culinaris 289
lettuce 266
Linaria dalmatica 197
Linaria genistifolia ssp. dalmatica 77, 97
Linaria vulgaris 77, 97
Linaria x radersbergii 77
log-logistic model 210
Lolium 75, 209
Lolium multiflorum 30
Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum 108, 109, 253
Lolium rigidum 30, 33, 334
Low precipitation zone 129
Lycopersicon esculentum 153
Lygodium microphyllum 308
machine learning 66
Machine Vision 304
mapping 308
MCPA 226
Mechanical weed control 204
Mefluidide 194
Melaleuca quinquenervia 299, 308
Mesotrione 182, 230
metabolic resistance 333
Methiozolin 225
Metribuzin 47, 52, 54, 132, 153, 208, 216, 224
Metsulfuron 195, 230
microns 350
Millet, tapestry 143
mineral 336
Modeling 136, 260
moisture stress 262
Molecular biology 235
Molecular evolution 341
Mollugo verticillata 216
monitoring 308
Monochoria vaginalis 255
Mowing 168
Mulch 68
Mulch, living 153
Multi-location experiment 229
multiple resistance 333
Mycoherbicide 301
Myriophyllum heterophyllum 169
Myriophyllum spicatum 169
National Park 172, 202
Native ornamental species 202
native perennial species 22
natural products 337
New teaching technologies 296
Nicosulfuron 172, 277
No-tillage 143, 272
Non-crop 169, 224
Nozzle 90
nozzle type 350
Nurseries 317
Oenothera laciniata 47
on-farm experimentation 305
optimization 305
Orchards 71
Orchards 109
Organic agriculture 143, 276
Oryza sativa 255, 273
Oxyfluorfen 317
Panicum capillare 277
Paraquat 72, 109
Parks 231
Parthenium hysterophorus 147
Passiflora foetida 274
pastures 22
pathogenic microbe 337
Pea 143
Peach 318
Peanut 138, 190, 276
Pear 318
Pendimethalin 73
Pennisetum ciliare 172
Pennycress 130
Pepper, bell 314
Perennial weeds 197
Pesticide use analysis 324
Phaseolus vulgaris 321
Phenology 117
Phenology 95, 117, 175
Photography 236
Photosynthesis 117
physical weed control 266
phytotoxicity 210
Phytotoxicity 337
Picloram 195, 197
Pinoxaden 229
Pisum sativum 143
Plant back Interval 314
plant competition 129
Plant growth regulators 163
plate assay 120
poa annua 120
Poa annua 194, 225
Poa pratensis 225
Poa trivialis 225
Population dynamics 339
Population genetics 259, 341
population structure 340
Precision agriculture 303, 305
Precision farming 348
Premix 211
Preplant Application 314
Primisulfuron 225
Product development 169
Pronamide 266
Proso millet 143
Pseudotsuga menzesii 317
Public lands 172
Pueraria lobata 168
Pueraria montana var. lobata 168
pyridate 52
Pyrithiobac sodium 107
Pyroxasulfone 53, 216, 274
Quinclorac 75, 202, 230, 333
Radish 132, 139
Rainfastness 90
Rangeland 80, 197, 202, 224, 258
Raphanus sativus 132, 139
red rice 340
Registration, pesticide 324
Remote sensing 190
Resistance Management 326
resistance management 210
Resistance management 30, 53, 87, 88, 138, 169, 271, 273, 292, 318
Resistance profiles 341
Restoration 197
Rice 255
Rimsulfuron 71, 72, 80, 153
Rinskor 255
RNA Sequencing 182
Roadsides 109, 231
Row spacing 339
Rubus pensilvanicus 195
Rye 132, 139
Ryegrass 75, 209
s-metolachlor 71, 73, 138, 162, 216, 277
Sacramento River Delta 307
Saflufenacil 40, 53, 61, 72, 317
Salsola iberica 52
Salsola tragus 34, 330
salt stress 262
Schinus terebinthifolius 308
Schoenoplectus mucronatus 273
Schools 231
Secale cereale 132, 139
Seedbank 204, 263
Seedhead suppression 194
Senna obtusifolia 301
Sesbania exaltata 301
Setaria faberi 137
Setaria glauca 95
Sethoxydim 109, 115
Shattering 95, 175
Sheep grazing 143
Shrubs 197
Simazine 318, 324
Social dimensions of resistance management 234
Soil microbiology 124
Soil properties 339
soil water storage 129
Solanum ptychanthum 301
Sorghum 277, 324
Sorghum bicolor ssp. arundinaceum 277
Sorghum halepense 108, 253
Sorghum vulgare 324
Soybean 40, 47, 88, 124, 161, 162, 163, 190, 208, 214, 216, 253, 254, 269, 272, 339, 354
Soybean, glufosinate-resistant 216
Soybean, glyphosate-resistant 46, 205, 336
Species Identification 304
Stellaria media 226
Stewardship, product 163
Strawberry 75
Sugar beet 88
Sulfentrazone 40, 52, 71, 123, 226
Sulfosulfuron 224, 230
Sunflower 253
Survey, weed 273, 339
Sweetpotato 190
synergy 268
target-site mutation 120
Taxonomy 77, 236, 304
Teaching 296
temperature 262
temperature inversion 163
Tomato 71, 310
Topramezone 53, 230
Training 235, 296
transcriptome assembly 182
Transcriptomic 334
transcriptomics 333
Translocation 330
Tree nuts 71, 261
Tribulus terrestris 277
Triclopyr 168, 195
Trifloxysulfuron 107
Trifluralin 71, 73, 310
Trifolium repens 226
Trifolium spp. 132, 139, 209
Triticum aestivum 54
Triticum aestivum 103, 143, 289
Turfgrass 194, 195, 225, 226, 229
UAS 348
UAV 348
Undergraduate education 296
Urochloa panicoides 230
Urochloa subquadripara 229
Urochloa texana 53
Vegetable crops 313
Vegetables 153
Ventenata dubia 224
Veronica hederifolia 226
Vicia villosa 132
Vicia villosa 139
Vineyard 109
Vineyards 71
VMD50 350
volatility 163
warm-season grasses 22
water hyacinth 307
water primrose 307
water quality 59
Water Stress 14
Weather 175
Weed biology 23, 147, 289, 290, 296, 339
Weed control 313
Weed control systems 47, 53, 161, 216, 254
Weed density 136
Weed identification 190, 296
Weed management 47, 53, 71, 162, 195, 197, 216, 261, 303, 310, 318, 321
Weed management 72
Weed management thresholds 234
Weed physiology 117
Weed scouting 348
Weed seedbank 234
Weed suppression 132, 272
Weeding, costs 88
weedy rice 340
Wetlands 169
Wheat 13, 34, 88, 103, 143, 253, 272, 305
wind speed 163
Winter camelina 130
Winter hardiness 98
Winter oilseeds 130
Yield loss 136
Zea mays 53, 209, 324, 335, 336